Monday, July 11, 2011

The Stinky Pew

We went to church yesterday.  Thor was being an angel in the service.  Smiling at the people around us.  Playing with his toys.  I'd set him between Mike and I shortly after the sermon began.  He was quietly chewing on a soft toy.  All of a sudden, I felt Mike jerk and I turned to find Thor vomiting all over himself and the pew.  I whisk a receiving blanket out of the diaper bag because that is all that I have with us to sop up the copious amounts of curdled breast milk that are issuing from my child.  I grab Thor and make a hasty retreat out of the sanctuary.  As soon as we get to the back of the sanctuary, I can tell he's going to vomit some more.  I made a motherly sacrifice and let him vomit down my shirt. 

Thor has a history of vomiting.  It is something he does well.  Early on I was having an issue of oversupply and forceful let down and he'd throw up once a day at least 5 times a week.   But that only lasted a few weeks.  The only thing I can think of that caused the puke storm was that he'd gagged himself with his toy and once Thor gets to vomiting, there is nothing you can do to stop it.  Anyway, I wasn't about to step a toe back into that sanctuary.  Not only was I covered with vomit, I was also horribly embarrassed that my child had done such a thing in church.  It seemed like an unholy amount of vomit, but I'm hoping that my mortification may have exaggerated the amount that Thor threw up.  I texted Mike that we needed to go and we had an abbreviated day at church.  Maybe I'll sit in another section for awhile where I'm not known as the mother of the kid who brings new meaning to the word "pew."  Of course, Thor is getting dedicated this coming Sunday.  Hopefully, he'll keep his stomach contents to himself and the visions that I have of someone shouting "That's the pukey baby" during the dedication service will not come to fruition.  

What?  I'd never embarrass my mommy!

1 comment:

  1. If he does puke, it could be worse. I once saw a baby have explosive poo on a pastor during a dedication. However, if it does happen, I want to see the video, ok?
