Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  As I folded laundry on this last day of 2011, I began to think about what I would like to accomplish in 2012.  I'm not much of a resolution maker.  I usually make ones that are easy to keep.  Last year, at 9 months pregnant on New Year's, I resolved to give birth by the end of the month.  Thor joined our family on January 20th.  Then there's my husband who makes one resolution and sticks firm to it through the year.  The year I met him he'd given up eating cookies, another year it was doughnuts, and then soda and candy. 

So, as I matched socks and folded towels, I thought about things that I'd like to change.  The first was that I'd like to say "No" less.  As a mother of a 2-year-old and an almost-one-year-old, there are days where I feel like all I say is "no."  "No, Sig, you cannot sit on your brother."  "No, Thor, take that out of your mouth."  "No, you're going to take a nap.  No more television.  No more candy.  No, no, NO!"  Now, I know these nos are to keep my boys safe, healthy, and to help them grow up into fully functioning members of society.  But, I've also found myself saying, "No, Sig, mommy's busy right now trying to clean the kitchen.  Go color by yourself."  Or "No, Thor, mommy can't pick you up right now" (seriously, the kid weighs almost as much as his big brother!  My back needs a break every once in a while!)  Anyway, I've resolved to prioritize my boys over dirty dishes, laundry, and especially my iPad.  I love my iPad, but I spend way to much time frittering away time online when I should be playing with my boys.  Here's to 2012, the year I'm going to say YES!

 Another resolution is to get Sig potty trained.  I've got everything I need to get it done.  I've read books.  I've got travel seat adapters.  I've got underpants, training pants, stickers, candy, and a toddler who can go potty in the toilet.  Now, we just need to pick a time and consistently work on it.  I'm expecting a battle of wills.  I don't know where my child learned to be so stubborn.  I know he didn't get such traits from me or his father!  But, we'll get it done.  We shall overcome!

I hope everyone has a healthy and happy New Year!  Just a few more hours to refresh myself on the lyrics to Auld Lang Syne.

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