Tomorrow's my mother's birthday. I decided to get her cake made today. Sig had plowed through his "pea-boo" and jelly sandwich and I thought he might like to help me get the cake mixed up before his nap. I put Thor in the Johnny-jump-up and we got baking.
My mom requested coconut but I couldn't find a recipe to suit my fancy. I finally selected a Martha Stewart recipe, but it called for 6 inch or 8 inch cake pans. Unlike Martha, I don't have infinite space or wealth to have a wide variety of cake pans. So, out of the cabinets came my 9 inch cake pans.
I set up the step stool so Sig could see the countertop and started sifting together the dry ingredients. Now, about Thor. Thor only poops every two or three days and when he does, it's a doozy. Today was one of his pooping days. He'd already pooped this morning, but as I was mixing up the ingredients I heard a low, loud rumble coming from the Johnny-jump-up. I quickly finished the dry ingredients and went to get the butter creaming before I changed Thor. While I was cutting the butter, I heard a splash and "uh oh." I turned and found that Sig had taken a bottle of bubble solution and spilled it all over the floor. Again a loud rumbling echoed from the Johnny-jump-up.
I grabbed Sig and hauled him back to his room because I needed my little chaos maker out of the way. I came back to the kitchen and sopped up the bubble solution. I then got Thor changed. Only a little poo had escaped the diaper confines. Fortunately, he'd been wearing a goldenrod colored onesie so I don't think a stain will show. I brought Sig back to the kitchen and gave him a bowl with some "ingredients" for him to mix up. By the time I finished with the cake batter Sig had scattered sugar all over the floor and Charlie was busy licking it up.
My cakes turned out very nice. Now to get them frosted.
Having made quite a few coconut cakes, I would have recommended MS as the best of the ones I have tried. I'm trying a new one this year, that is more of a sheet cake/confection. I'll tell you if it's any good.